2011년 1월 25일 화요일

Different Narrative Styles

1st person
I went to supermarket. I needed to buy many things to make birthday cake for my grandmother. I bought eggs, flour, cream, fruits and chocolate. I started to make cake with my brother. We tried to make chocolate cake. However, the oven was broken. Fortunately, my father was good at fixing oven. So my father fixed oven and started to make chocolate cake. After we made cake my brother and I gave it to my grandmother. Grandmother loved chocolate cake and kissed my brother and me. It was good day.
요리정보 썸네일

2st person
You are a police officer. You saw a thief that was running away from owner of book store. You shot rubber gun to theif and theif finally fall down. Next, you putted him to jail and you got bread from owner of bread owner because owner was happy to get thief.
You got promotion after that accident. Today was happy day of yours.

3st person
Harry Potter went to Minjok high school english camp. He met friend named Voldmot. Voldmot suddenly took his bet and hitted Harry. Harry was so angry so he called PA named Ron. Ron gave Voldmot a punishment. The punishment was 96324 red card. So Voldmot went back to his home and his mother was very angry so his mother gave Voldmot a punishment too! Poor Voldmot! 

2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Unfinished: My first History Presentation

 Hello everyone! My name is 이상현 and you can call me Johnny. Now I am going to talk about Ben Yussuf who is the leader of  North African. There are five main features about Ben Yussuf.

 First, he has a very evil plan. His plan is to build his own empire and rule the while world. According to this, we can know that he is an egoist.

 Second, he is a Muslims. It doesn't make any problems because he is Muslims, but he tried to attack Catholic country, for example, Spain. And he gathers the Muslims to have alliance. This will help his plan.

 Next, he is good at prediction. Because, he knew that one of  two prince, prince Sancho or prince Alfonso is going to die. He just knew that with a little information, that there are two prince in Castille.

 Forth, he is thoughtful about future. He knew that it is going to be difficult to fight with El Cid. So he told Al Kadir, the Sultan of Valencia to prepare for war. To add more information, Al Kadir is egoist, too. the people in Valencia, always have problems with hunger, because Al Kadir just think about him. Al Kadir never gave food to people in Valencia. I think Ben Yussuf and Al Kadir are very simillar about egotism.


Dear New Years Day

Dear New Years Day
 Hello, New Years Day. Today is January 24th.
Wow! Times go very fast.
Just 10days later it is the New Years Day!
In New Years Day, I am going to meet many
cousins grandparents, nephews nieces uncles, aunts and many families.
I am so excited!
I am going to eat many delicious foods
 for example, fried food and rice cake soup.
Ah~ It makes me hungry just saying that words.
You are so good holiday.
I can meet my familes and have a good time.
I am so excited.
I can't wait!!!!
But 10days later its you.
Thank you and bye~

From Johnny Johnster

2011년 1월 20일 목요일

The New Years day Food

Rice cake soup(떡국)

요리정보 썸네일
Three kind of vegetable(삼색나물)

요리정보 썸네일 

요리정보 썸네일
Fried sweet potato (고구마 튀김)

요리정보 썸네일 
Many kinds of fried foods(각종 튀김류)

All of these foods makes me very hungry!

2011년 1월 19일 수요일

Our class 23!!!

This is our class! Everyone looks so happy~ We did good job at popsong contest! 

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Home and Diarrhea


Clean, Comfortable, Freedom
Family, Living room, My room, Computer
Bathroom, Dirty, Friend of excrement
Watery, Smelly, Brown

2011년 1월 13일 목요일

Science(About Sharks)

This is a great white shark. See those teeth? They're razor sharp. Great whites average 12-16 feet long. White shark is the most strongest and biggest shark in the world!

Where do sharks live?

The habitat of a plant or animal is where it lives.
Sharks (and many other animals and plants) live in the sunlit ocean, also called the sunlit zone.