2011년 1월 11일 화요일

What I learned from 'Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring'

In this movie named "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" teaches me that how life is important. One day, the boy, who lives with Monk, made fish, frog, and snake live hard. The boy tied string around that three animals, so they couldn't move well. Unfortunately, Monk saw that was happening. Next morning, Monk tied a heavy stone around that boy. When the boy woke up he complained about about that, stone is too heavy. From this part, I think Monk very considerable. Most of adults will just hit or scold to that kind of boy. But Monk was different. He made boy feel same pain as three animals. And he told boy to release those three animals. This punishment will make boy mind really guilty , so he will never make animals painful again. In my experience, I stepped many ants on purpose. And these days I feell very guilty about that I learned that every, lifes, however it is very small, is very important. And in my other experience, I threw rocks to gulls. That day my arms hurted a lot. I think that it was a punishment from god. To restart the story, that boy went back to mountain to rlease all of those animals. However the fish and snake was already dead. He cried a lot and regret what he did to animals. I regret about things what I did to gulls and ants. I'll never harm any animals. It is hard promise but I want to make a good world. And I learned very important thing from this movie.
 'Never Make Animals Painful'

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